Adding a Project Type

You can create a new project type from scratch using the procedure below. If you want to base a new project type off of an existing project type, see Copying a Type.

To add a project type, do the following:

  1. Do one of the following to open the Types list:

    • In Dashboard. Click Application Links, and then click Configuration > Project types under Workstream.
    • In Workstream. On the Manage ribbon, click Types.
  2. Click New to display the Project Type window. A navigation panel to the left lists all the options you can configure for the type.
  3. Configure the options on each tab of the navigation panel. The tabs that display depend on the options you select on the General Information tab. You can learn more about the options on each tab using the links below:
    • General Information. This section includes basic identifying information for the type. You can also answer questions to define other elements needed for this project type. Depending on your answers to the tailoring questions, some of the other properties listed below might not be available.
    • Status. You can select the statuses that will be available in templates and projects of this type.
    • Priorities. You can select the priority levels that will be available in templates and projects of this type.
    • Complexities. You can select the complexity levels that will be available in templates and projects of this type.
    • Service Codes. You can select the service codes that will be available in templates and projects of this type.
    • Milestone Dates. You can manage the milestone dates that will be available in templates and projects of this type.
    • Custom Fields. You can manage custom fields that are available for a project type.
    • Route Sheet Layout. You can select the information to display on each route sheet for templates and projects of this type. You can also decide the order in which these fields should appear.

    Note: The list of available statuses, priorities, complexities, milestone dates, and custom fields are configured in Lists. See Setting Up Workstream Lists for more information.

  4. Click one of the ClosedSave buttons or Cancel.